Thursday, April 4, 2013

Roger Ebert

Movie lovers, we all knew this day was coming. We knew his health was not the best, we knew his age and we knew he couldn't live forever. That doesn't make today any easier. The movie industry lost a great, great man today when Roger Ebert passed away earlier today. I can't begin to express how much admiration I have for this man and how horrible this loss is. Let me make this clear: if it wasn't for Ebert and Gene Siskel, this blog would not exist, but their influence goes much, much farther than my little blog. So much of the film industry would be different. They created the art of the review, the ability to express your feelings on something such as a movie and how to make it interesting, entertaining and informative. Just watch this review:

Listen to the passion, listen to the ability to express their feelings in a way that at the very least makes you consider their position. If not for them I would not see the fun in analyzing movies and just how entertaining it can be. I admire Ebert's dedication. Years ago he underwent an operation to fight cancer that resulted in him losing his voice forever. Did that stop him? No. His dedication to movies and writing reviews kept him going. He had to leave his show, but he kept writing reviews right up until a short time before his death. (By short I mean the last review he wrote was for The Host and it came out eight days before his death) Siskel and Ebert was largely before my time and I sadly never saw much of Ebert and Roeper. But I've seen countless old reviews on Youtube, and I will continue to watch them. I love the passion for film in those reviews, and their passion keeps mine alive, as it does for many other movie fans: and that is Roger's legacy. I could keep going, but I'm just going to make a list that I want to thank Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel for on the day of Ebert's passing:

Thank you for the "Thumbs Up" rating system. I can't tell you how many movies I rented just on account of it having "Two Thumbs Up."

Thank you for liking Simon Birch. I knew I couldn't be the only one. 

Thank you for insisting that film was a form of art and not just cheap entertainment.

Thank you opposing colourizing black and white films. Seriously, thank you.

Thank you for reviewing movies in an intellectual way and not just talking about "what's cool."

Thank you for the arguments. I know it's a weird thing to thank them for (especially today) but I think a lot of fans will agree with me.

Thank you for sticking to your guns. Sometimes your opinions matched up with the general public, sometimes not. Not that it mattered to you.

Thank you for your passion for movies. 

Thank you for inspiring critics around the world.

Thank you for inspiring movie fans around the world.

Thank you for inspiring me.

Fellow movie fans, today is a sad, sad day. May Roger Ebert rest in peace.

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