Friday, August 31, 2012

The Summer In Review

It's Labour Day weekend, meaning the summer of 2012 is sadly over, and the summer blockbusters are gone as well. I'm going to review every movie I've seen this summer. I didn't see quite as many as I did last year, but that was just because less movies interested me this year. Still, I some good ones. Each one I saw will get a review, and and a score out of five. I am writing them in the order I saw them.

The Hunger Games

Okay, this was not a summer movie, but I saw it in May.This was a surprise. I had no interest in seeing this movie at all. I was just expecting to be more Twilight teenage bait crap. I did see it, for no other reason than for me to hate it and be the voice of reason to anyone who liked it. How wrong I was. The Hunger Games is a brilliant movie. Katniss Everden is not Bella Swann. Katniss is tough, resourceful and smart, yet flawed in some ways. In other words, she is a believable, three dimensional character. And of course, Jennifer Lawrence's portrayal is excellent. The entire cast is great, even Josh Hutcherson. I've not been impressed with him in the past, but I liked him here, and I thought the romance actually really worked. I also liked the social satire. It's scathing in some ways, taking on our culture of reality shows. Picture American Idol with children killing each other. The movie is not perfect. The action sucks with the over emphasis on shaky camera work. It makes the fight scenes unwatchable, and actually strained my eyes at times. Nevertheless, I had a blast with this movie. It surprised me with its acting and story, and I'm excited for the next one. 4 Stars.

The Avengers 

Now we're talking! Ever heard the saying "Check your brain at the door?" It's what Michael Bay apologists say about crappy movies with big CGI and no story. Yeah, this movie represented Joss Whedon giving that statement the middle finger. Yes, this is a movie about superheroes teaming up to stop an enemy who wants to take over the world. But Whedon put effort into it, and that's all I ask. He gave us likeable characters, and he gave us a good story. I like all of the movies that led up to this movie, and I couldn't have asked for a better crossover. No complaints. Brilliant work Mr. Whedon. 5 Stars.


I saw this piece of crap because I had too. I'd been following the trailers for ages, marvelling at how bad this movie could be. It didn't disappoint. There is no plot of which to speak of, there is no acting of which to speak of, and there is no movie of which to speak of. There is nothing but boring CGI. It's complete crap. Negative 5 Stars. 


Great acting, great direction, great story, weak screenplay. I love the plot, don't get me wrong. I love the philosophical questions, especially in regards to religion. It doesn't force the questions, it just asks them, and I love that. The cast is brilliant, Michael Fassenbender especially. But the script.... dear oh dear. There are plot holes to be sure, but the problem is the character's actions. They act like complete idiots at times. Especially the guys in the caves, but I won't elaborate. There are big problems, but it's a good movie anyway. The overall plot and direction make up for the script problems. 3 Stars.

The Dark Knight Rises

I already reviewed this movie, so I'm not going to say much more. Excellent movie, if flawed. 4.5 Stars

The Expendables 2 

Again, I already reviewed this movie, so I don't have much to say. It's a stupid movie, but the references make it a blast. I know it's contrary to what I said about The Avengers and making an effort, but I don't care. This is the exception. It's a fun movie. 3 Stars.

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