Saturday, January 5, 2013

Django Unchained

HELL. YEAH. I think that's all I could say for this movie. Quentin Tarantino is one my favourite directors and he gave us a great ride here. It's a testament to him that he can horrify us with imagery of slavery and then make us laugh a minute later. That's the great scene about Tarantino. He gives us action, he gives us drama and gives us great humour. His movies are just a ton of fun to watch, and I think is one of his best efforts to date. The story is tons of fun and yet unforgiving in that it doesn't make excuses for American history. Slavery was a horrendous thing and Tarantino doesn't try to hide this fact at all. There were scenes in this that were near impossible to watch, scenes that rank as some of the scariest stuff I've seen in a while. And yet, the movie is fun. The humour is great and the story works so, so well. God I love Christoph Waltz. I loved his character, I loved he was a bounty hunter and I loved the way he dealt with "Young Django." That's not to say that he stole the show though, because he would have to compete for that. Most good movies have one great performance that helps carry the movie. This one has three incredible performances, each of which are Oscar worthy: Waltz as Dr. King Schultz, Jamie Foxx as Django and Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie. I'll talk about each seperately because each deserves mention. Foxx is the heart of the film. Django is usually a man of few words, so Foxx has to use his facial expression to carry himself. He does a great job. This guy has gone through hell in his life and he's ready for a little revenge. I've already talked about Waltz, but I will say that he was a ton of fun in the way he carries himself. Most of the funny stuff came from him, and I don't think anyone other than Waltz could have shown the humour and drama behind the role. Candie was a great bad guy. In the hands of another actor he could have turned into a moustache twirling villain, but DiCaprio steps up to the plate and gives us a terrific villain who's evil while being fun to watch. The scene with the skull may be some of DiCaprio's best work to date. I'm out of things to say. This is a blast while being important and heavy. I have honestly never seen a movie quite like this, and I urge people to see it. 

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