Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Walking Dead "Sick"

Yes, I'm very late with this one. Been a busy couple of weeks. I don't know how much it matters though, because I'm not sure I have a tone to say about this episode except that it was outstanding. The pacing was great, the action was great, the story and emotions were great and the stakes were huge. I'm spoiling a lot here, but let me try and explain what a great setup this episode had. Hershel was bitten on the leg by a walker. In order to save him, Rick chops of his leg with an axe. We then see that there are in fact human prisoners left in the prison which the group must deal with while trying to save Hershel. And did I mention that the only person who is at all qualified to help someone survive this ordeal is Hershel himself? Oh, and that if Hershel dies there will be no one to deliver Lori's baby, especially considering she'll likely need a C-section? And of course there are the prisoners, one of which has already proven to be hostile towards Rick and his group. Everything is timed well with every scene taking no more than what it needs to serve a purpose. The acting as always superb. I don't think I've talked much about how unbelievable Andrew Lincoln is as Rick. He brings an intensity and humanity that perfectly conveys the character. Is he as good as Bryan Cranston is in Breaking Bad? No. But I can't think of many actors as good as Cranston is in that show, so that's hardly a fair comparison. No, Lincoln is very good, and I hope his performance in this show will lead to more roles later on.


Now the thing that is sure to be controversial here is Rick's decision to execute one of the prisoners in cold blood. I just thought it showed how different Rick is from the good cop we saw in the pilot. There are new rules in this world, and Rick is using them. Was he right or wrong? I don't see an answer to that question. He did what he felt he had to do. It'll be interesting to see where this new attitude takes the group in the future.

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